While our records are not complete enough to provide precise dating information on the earliest Fender banjos of the 1960s, the table below has been researched as thoroughly and accurately as possible. The information in it was acquired by searching through archives of old Fender price lists and catalogs, beginning with 1968.
This guide can help you determine the approximate age of your older Fender banjo, what the price range was during its years of production and what it sold for in the last year it was available.
F1080 (Tenor) | 1969-1973 | $99 |
F1085 | 1969-1973 | $102 |
Allegro 5-String Extra-Long Neck | 1967-1974 | $295 |
Allegro 5-String Bluegrass | 1967-1978 | $375 |
Allegro Folk | 1967-1976 | $360 |
Allegro Plectrum | 1967-1976 | $460 |
Allegro Tenor | 1967-1976 | $460 |
Artist 5-String Extra-Long Neck | 1967-1976 | $375 |
Artist 5-String Bluegrass | 1967-1979 | $1,325 |
Artist Folk | 1967-1976 | $580 |
Artist Plectrum | 1967-1976 | $680 |
Artist Tenor | 1967-1976 | $680 |
Concert Tone Plectrum | 1967-1976 | $1,210 |
Concert Tone Tenor | 1967-1976 | $2,050 |
Concert Tone Custom | 1968-1976 | $2,050 (and up) |
Concert Tone 5-String Bluegrass | 1977-1986 | $1,360 |
Leo Bluegrass | 1979-1986 | |
Leo Deluxe | 1979-1986 | $850 |
Leo Gold Bluegrass | 1981-1986 | $1,350 |