How to obtain a replacement decal:
- To help us achieve the best match of available decals, take at least 4 clear photographs of your instrument, (the entire front, entire back of the instrument and a close-up of the front and back of the headstock). This will help us verify that it is indeed a genuine Fender product in need of a replacement decal, (if the instrument has the serial number stamped into the neck plate, please include a pencil "rubbing" from the neck plate showing this number).
- Next, take the photos along with your guitar to the nearest Authorized Fender Service Center, where they will evaluate the instrument.
- After comparing the instrument with the photos, they will then mail the photos and neck plate rubbing to our Product Support team in Scottsdale.
- Once we receive the photographs, we will try to find the most accurate decal for that instrument.
- We will then send the appropriate decal to the Authorized Service Center.
Note: Decal availability is limited to certain models, and while Fender does not charge a fee for a replacement decal, the Fender Authorized Service Center may charge a fee for providing this service to you.